Discovering that you’re pregnant can trigger a whirlwind of emotions, from excitement and joy to worry and overwhelm. Whether this news was expected or comes as a surprise, you’re likely considering your pregnancy options.

In this post, we’ll cover the three primary pregnancy options: abortion, adoption, and parenting. Being informed about each choice can empower you to make the best possible decision for you and your future.



Abortion is a medical procedure that ends a pregnancy through medication or surgical means. Women often feel abortion is the answer when the circumstances for pregnancy or parenting are not what they planned. For example, they may not have the financial resources or the social support they wish they had. Or maybe the timing is unexpected. However, many women also find that when they are connected with available support resources, those concerns are reduced. 

Understanding Abortion

There are two main types of abortion: medication abortion and surgical abortion. Medication abortion involves taking prescribed pills to end the pregnancy, typically within the first 10 weeks. Surgical abortion, on the other hand, is a procedure performed in a clinical setting where the baby is surgically removed from the uterus. Surgical abortions are usually performed after 10 weeks gestation. 


Risks of Abortion

  1. Emotional Impact: Many women experience a range of emotions post-abortion, often long lasting. If you have had an abortion, it is important to have access to counseling and support. You are not alone.
  2. Medical Risks: As with any medical procedure, there are risks involved. For example, if you are considering medication abortion (aka the “abortion pill”), taking it outside the recommended timeframe could lead to hemorrhaging or incomplete abortion. This can ultimately be life-threatening. It is essential to be fully informed about clinical parameters, potential complications, and typical long-term impacts before deciding to have an abortion. An important first step is to have a medical professional verify the viability of your pregnancy via a medical-grade pregnancy test and ultrasound scan.


Where to Learn More about Abortion

In the digital age, it is tempting to rely on online information when making a decision about pregnancy options. But because abortion has such long-ranging impacts on a woman’s health and well-being, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional in person. Make sure you are fully informed before taking any steps to end your pregnancy.

If you are in Warsaw or Kosciusko county, Indiana (or anywhere nearby), Heartline has a full time RN (nurse) on staff. At your appointment, she will perform a pregnancy test & ultrasound scan to confirm intrauterine pregnancy. The nurse will also answer your questions about abortion and discuss alternative options without judgement.

Heartline does not provide or refer for abortions, but we are here to support all women experiencing an unexpected pregnancy. You can text 574-635-1272 to make a free appointment (no insurance needed).


Adoption is a pregnancy option where you carry the baby to term and then place the child with another family. It can be a positive choice for those who do not feel ready to parent but want to give their baby a chance at life. The National Council for Adoption reports about 140,000 children are adopted annually in the U.S. 


Types of Adoption

There are 3 main types of adoption to consider:

  1. Open Adoption: Involves some level of contact between the birth parent(s) and the adoptive family. Usually, an Open Adoption arrangement means the birth parent(s) get to maintain some form of relationship with the child.
  2. Closed Adoption: No contact is maintained between the birth parent(s) and the child after the adoption. 
  3. Semi-Open Adoption: Allows for limited communication through a third party or adoption agency.


Pros & Cons of Adoption

  1. Providing Opportunities: Adoption can give your child the opportunity to grow up in a stable, loving environment.
  2. Emotional Fulfillment: Knowing that you have given a deserving family the chance to raise a child can be fulfilling.
  3. Emotional Challenges: Placing your child with another family can be emotionally challenging and may require long-term counseling. 
  4. Support Systems: Many adoption agencies offer counseling and support to birth mothers throughout the pregnancy and the adoption process.


Where to Learn More about Adoption

It is essential to work with reputable adoption agencies and seek legal advice to ensure a positive placement and a smooth process. If you have questions about adoption as a pregnancy option and are in Warsaw or Kosciusko County, IN, you’re welcome to reach out to us at Heartline. While we are not an adoption agency, we partner with several local reputable adoption organizations.



Parenting is a pregnancy option that involves choosing to birth, raise, and nurture your baby through to adulthood. It is a life-long commitment that brings considerable emotional, financial, and time investments. But many would also argue that it comes with considerable rewards.

Parenting Ideals vs. Reality

Few would argue that the “ideal” scenario would be to have everything figured out before becoming a parent. But the reality is, there is never going to be a “perfect” time to become a parent.

Raising a child is hard work, and will come with challenges no matter how prepared – or unprepared – you are. With the right supports in place, it is possible that parenting could be a positive pregnancy option for you, even if it wasn’t your initial plan.


Parenting Considerations

When considering parenting as a pregnancy option, it is important to consider how becoming a parent would challenge your current situation, and what steps you need to take – or help you need to round up – to make it a feasible option for you.

Do you have family nearby who would be willing to help? A supportive group of neighbors? What about your faith congregation? Even if you don’t have much support in the form of the people around you, it is very likely that there are many resources in your area designed to support you.  


Where to Learn More about Parenting

For more information on resources available to support you on your parenting journey, reach out to your local pregnancy resource center. At Heartline, we offer education programs on pregnancy, parenting, and life skills, fatherhood coaching for dads, and access to free baby and maternity essentials. We also connect you with other local resources depending on your specific needs. If you are in Warsaw or Kosciusko County, Indiana and would like more information about Heartline’s support services – available until the child’s 5th birthday – just reach out via the contact below.



Each of these pregnancy options—abortion, adoption, and parenting—comes with its own set of challenges and rewards. It’s important to weigh the pros and cons, consider your personal circumstances and long-term outcomes, and consult with trusted family, friends, and professionals.

Some questions to ask yourself:

  • How do I envision my future, and how do I think “future me” would look back on each decision option?
  • How will each option affect my emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being?
  • Do I have the information about each option I need to make a fully informed decision? If not, what am I going to do to make sure I get that information?

Remember, whatever pregnancy option you choose will have a life-long impact, so it’s vital to be informed and aware of all angles. Seek out resources, counseling, and support groups that can provide guidance and help you navigate this journey with confidence.


And of course, Heartline is here to help and support you whenever you need us.

Heartline is not an adoption agency, nor do we provide or refer for abortions. Our no-cost pregnancy and parenting support programs exist to support you during this time. Please call 574-267-5110 or text 574-635-1272 with questions or to make an appointment. Heartline is a faith-based non-profit organization located in Warsaw, IN, USA.
